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Zambia's Online Broadcasting Regulation Plan Sparks Fierce Backlash 

PHOTO CREDIT :Deutsche Welle

Lusaka, Zambia - The Zambian government's recent announcement that it will require licensing of online media has sparked outrage among rights activists, who say it is an infringement on freedom of expression and speech. The move, aimed at regulating online broadcasting, has raised concerns that it could be used to silence independent voices and stifle dissent.

According to the government, the new regulations are intended to ensure that online media outlets operate within the same legal framework as traditional media. However, critics argue that the move is a thinly veiled attempt to control the narrative and suppress dissenting voices.

"This is a clear attempt to gag online media and stifle freedom of expression," said Anne Mwewa, a human rights activist. "The government is trying to extend its control over the online space, and this is unacceptable."

The regulations would require online media outlets to obtain a license from the government before operating. This has raised concerns that the government could use this power to deny licenses to outlets that are critical of its policies or actions.

The move has sparked a heated debate in Zambia, with many taking to social media to express their opposition to the regulations. "This is a dark day for Zambia's democracy," tweeted one user. "The government is trying to silence us, but we won't be silenced."

The Zambian government has defended the move, saying it is necessary to ensure that online media outlets operate responsibly. However, rights activists remain skeptical, arguing that the regulations are a clear infringement on freedom of expression and speech. As the debate continues, many are watching closely to see how the situation will unfold.

One thing is clear: the Zambian government's plan to regulate online broadcasting has sparked a fierce backlash, and it remains to be seen whether the government will reconsider its stance or push forward with the controversial regulations.

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